2011年3月11日午後2:46、東北地方太平洋沖地震(Tohoku Pacific Offshore Earthquake)が起こりました。地震直後マグニチュード8.8と発表された2日後、M9.0に訂正された1000年に一度という巨大地震、最も被害を多く受けた宮城・岩手に住む者として、被害にあわれた方々に心を痛めています。
I’m crying ・・・I’m so sad to hear the news! I’m so sad
for the so nice Japanese people. Tell me if you are ok.
N.W(London, UK)
I hope you and your family are fine, and have your house
and health. We are all thinking about you all after this tragedy.
I hope that when you read this email you and your family,
friends, and co-workers are safe and healthy.We are
thinking of all of you. If there is anything or anywhere
or anyway we can help you and your community,
please let me know.
I pray that the loss of life is low and everyone is able to
help each other. Please let me know how the Kitakami
area was affected.
M.C(Chicago, USA)
I pray that you and your family are safe. You will be in
my thoughts and prayers are for your family and all of Japan.
B.T(Texas, USA)
I am so sorry for your country and Iwate. Please let us
know, when you can, that your families are okay. We will
keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
T.T(Texas, USA)
We have watched with great concern and sorrow the
tragedy that you must now be living though. Please let us
know if you’re well and know that our love and thoughts are
strongly with you and your country at this terribley difficult time.
I just found out about the earthquake. Are you ok? I tried to
call you multiple times but I think the lines are overloaded or
something.Let me know as soon as you are able,ok?
I’m so worried about you.
We’re very sorry to hear about the earthquake & tsunami.
Will be praying for your country.
Hope you and your familes are all right. Just let me know
I am thinking of you.
We’re concerned about you and your family. We send
our love and best wishes, please let us know if there is
something we could do to be helpful!
M.F(California, USA)
Thank you!