初めて彼の作品に触れたのは、米・メリーウッド大学で学んでいたとき。半ば強制的にシャガールについて知ることになる。Art&Soundクラスでのペーパー(課題レポートをアメリカではこう呼ぶ)の1つ、”アーティストの人生について述べ、作品にどのように反映されているか述べよ” 確かこういった課題だったと思う。大学の図書館に飾られてあったシャガールの絵が目に留まり、彼の人生と作品について調べて書くことにした。以下、その時のペーパーを恥ずかしながらシェア。
A Fantastic Artist
Fine Arts 102:Sound and Symbol
Sister Ave Maria Foley, I.H.M.
November 11,1997
Marc Chagall was born in a small town Lyozno, Russia in 1887. His family was poor and his chidhood was hard. When he was studying at a public school, he saw a charcoal drawing of his classmate. He was facinated by it, and he went to the library to look for magazines and illustrated books to copy. He would draw eveyday because he hung his drawings and said “You are a real artist, aren’t you?(Greenfeld 20). ” This was the time when he decided to be an artist. He was always a dreamer since chilhood.
In 1907, he left for the capital Saint Pertersburg. In 1910, he moved to Paris and lived there for four years. Then he moved to Berlin. He fell in love with a girl, named Bella a nd they got married. Chagall expressed his love and affection toward Bella in
his paintings. She was always a great inspartation of his works of art. When his loved wife passed away, he was in deep depression so he was not able to paint for nine month.
Chagall went back to Russia and stayed there until he settled in Paris in 1923. During World War Ⅱ, he moved to New York city and in 1948 to Venice, France. He was actively involved with many fields of art. He produced large scale murals, etchings, lithographs, stage designe and the finest staind glass.
He was fantastic artist. He created childlike paintings, recalling the memory from his early years in Vitebsk, Russia and Jewish forklore. He also added elements of Expressionism, Cubism and Fauvism to his work.
Chagall said,”I do not understand them all・・・the theories which I make up to explain myself and those whichothers elaborate in connection with my work are nonsense. My paintings are my reason for existance, my life and that’s all.”(Hatt 913)
何?!ここでおしまい? 再び自分で書いた文章を読み返し、シャガールの人生が書かれきれていない。途中で放り投げられた気分になる・・・まあ、仕方がない。何せあの時は次から次へとやってくるペーパーの締め切りに追われて、余裕がなかったからのだから。教授に提出して「ほっ。」さあ、次!と課題に追いかけられていたのだから。シャガールについて書いたこの文章を読み返してみて、続きが書きたくなった。再び学習。
・シャガール わが回想 マークシャガール著 三輪福松・村上陽通訳
朝日新聞社 1985年
・シャガール 色彩の詩人 ダニエル・マルシェッソー著 高階 秀爾監修
田辺希久子+村上尚子翻訳 創元社 1999年
・週間 世界の美術館 シャガール美術館 講談社 2000年